We are very excited for the Spiritual Leadership Asia Conference coming March 10–March 12, 2020, and I wanted to take a moment to share some information and prayer requests.
First, because we believe that God is working mightily in the 10–40 window, we have assembled a proven group of teachers and pastors to challenge and equip leaders from all over Asia.
The daytime sessions will include training for pastors, local church leaders, Christian businessmen, and laymen who want to be used of God in a greater way. Sessions will include soulwinning, discipleship, church leadership, church music programs and much more. Lay leaders are welcome to attend day sessions.
In the evening we look forward to special music provided by West Coast Baptist College and the area choirs from throughout Manila. The evening services are open to members of your churches and will be instructional and inspirational as we are challenged to stand and reach souls for Christ in this hour.
Finally, our overall theme is “Striving Together for Asia and Beyond.” It is our hope to encourage the spirit of Philippians 1:27 as we strive together for missions, revival, and soulwinning.
Please join our church family and many others here in the States praying that God will bless this meeting in a powerful way. See you in Manila March 2020.
Your Friend,
Pastor Paul Chappell
Lancaster Baptist Church